Civil Engineering support for onshore windfarms and energy centres.

We have ongoing collaboration with a sustainable energy provider client in Dublin to assist them with the civil design elements for numerous onshore wind farm and energy centre projects in Ireland, including highway assessments for environmental impact assessments.
We undertook a number of traffic and transport assessments including the drafting of EIAR chapters relating to traffic and transport, turbine delivery route assessments, grid connection route assessments, and construction traffic management plans. The EIAR chapter reports on the likely significant transport and accessibility effects to arise from the construction phase, operational and maintenance stage, and decommissioning phase of the windfarm.
The turbine delivery route assessments look at the feasibility of transporting components of wind warms, including turbine blades and nacelles, from a port along a haulage route to determine the likely pinch points, road upgrades, bridge upgrades and third-party land requirements. The grid connection route assessment looks at the feasibility of laying cables in the local road network from the new onsite substation to the nearest suitable gird connection point.
The construction traffic management plan is prepared in consultation with the main contractor and is a key construction document, aiming to reduce possible traffic impacts that may occur during the construction of the proposed windfarm.
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